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Version: 4.x.x


import { RequestJSON } from "@hyper-fetch/core"


Dump of the request used to later recreate it

Defined in request/request.types.ts:40


type RequestJSON<Request,AdapterOptions,QueryParams,Params> = {
abortKey: string;
auth: boolean;
cache: boolean;
cacheKey: string;
cacheTime: number;
cancelable: boolean;
data: PayloadType<ExtractPayloadType<Request>>;
deduplicate: boolean;
deduplicateTime: number;
disableRequestInterceptors: boolean | undefined;
disableResponseInterceptors: boolean | undefined;
effectKey: string;
endpoint: string;
garbageCollection: number;
headers: HeadersInit;
method: ExtractAdapterMethodType<ExtractAdapterType<Request>>;
offline: boolean;
options: AdapterOptions | ExtractAdapterOptionsType<ExtractAdapterType<Request>>;
params: Params | NegativeTypes;
queryParams: QueryParams | NegativeTypes;
queueKey: string;
queued: boolean;
requestOptions: RequestOptionsType<string, AdapterOptions | ExtractAdapterType<Request>, ExtractAdapterMethodType<ExtractAdapterType<Request>>>;
retry: number;
retryTime: number;
updatedAbortKey: boolean;
updatedCacheKey: boolean;
updatedEffectKey: boolean;
updatedQueueKey: boolean;
used: boolean;


abortKey: string;
auth: boolean;
cache: boolean;
cacheKey: string;
cacheTime: number;
cancelable: boolean;
data: Payload | null | undefined;
deduplicate: boolean;
deduplicateTime: number;
disableRequestInterceptors: boolean | undefined;
disableResponseInterceptors: boolean | undefined;
effectKey: string;
endpoint: string;
garbageCollection: number;
headers: HeadersInit;
method: T extends AdapterType<any, infer M, any, any, any> ? M : never;
offline: boolean;
options: AdapterOptions | T extends AdapterType<infer O, any, any, any, any> ? O : never;
params: Params | null | undefined;
queryParams: QueryParams | null | undefined;
queueKey: string;
queued: boolean;
requestOptions: {
abortKey: string;
auth: boolean;
cache: boolean;
cacheKey: string;
cacheTime: number;
cancelable: boolean;
deduplicate: boolean;
deduplicateTime: number;
disableRequestInterceptors: boolean;
disableResponseInterceptors: boolean;
effectKey: string;
endpoint: GenericEndpoint;
garbageCollection: number;
headers: HeadersInit;
method: RequestMethods;
offline: boolean;
options: AdapterOptions;
queueKey: string;
queued: boolean;
retry: number;
retryTime: number;
retry: number;
retryTime: number;
updatedAbortKey: boolean;
updatedCacheKey: boolean;
updatedEffectKey: boolean;
updatedQueueKey: boolean;
used: boolean;